St-Martine - Disaster for the first bike race of 2012

The weather was exceptionally good before I left for Texas, so it usually means pay back later on...Which was the case in the two weeks following my return from Cuba...It started with max temperatures of 10-12, which is slightly below normal...But it got worse and worse to a day max of 5-6 degrees on the second week after my return, with lots of rainy days...The result is that I barely manage to squeeze 110km in the two weeks following my return...Which I had planned to use for intervals...Worse, I needed to get my winter gears out of the closet to bike outside...I could have re-installed my indoor bike trainer, but I barely had the will to do it in winter, there was no way I could muster my courage to do it after a week in Cuba!

I did my first race on April 29 in very cold weather (1 degree celcius..I coldest I ever rode my bike under any circumstances...) with strong cross-wind and had my worse result to date (still pretty new at this..Started last year with 3 races)...I got a DNF after 65km out of 75km....I was cold, tired physically and mentally... I was likely the first one to get dropped of the main peloton (I was first at something at last! :-( ) after less than 10 minutes of strong cross-wind as I was unable to get into the echelon...Having done no warmup at all was certainly not a good idea...I tried to survive by latching to groups from older category that started after our group...While I managed to do so with one group for 4 laps, I got dropped again at the beginning of the 6th lap and while I was struggling to finish the lap, the leaders of my category finished the race in front of me (having a full lap lead on me...)..The was the last straw that broke my fragile morale and I gave up...Not proud of it, but it is what it is and I sure need to do much more interval training, warm up properly before a race and work on acquiring and keeping a good position in the peloton...